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The History of Ditch the Suits

Based on lessons learned during the 2008 Financial Crisis and extensive professional experience, Ditch the Suit’s was a response to the panic induced by the COVID-19 Financial Crisis where a collision of social fear and financial volatility, fueled by the politicization of nearly every issue, seemed to tip the world upside down.

With the goal to help people avoid making financially destructive decisions, co-hosts Travis Maus and Steve Campbell produced daily recordings on a wide range of topics, such as staying positive, understanding the financial impact of new legislation, how to take advantage of the stock market when it crashes, blocking out fear-mongering, etc. which eventually gave way to the creation of the Ditch the Suits Podcast.  

Travis Maus

As Chief Executive Officer, a senior Wealth Manager, and co-host of the “Ditch the Suits” podcast, I am committed to empowering all our clients and S.E.E.D. employees to be their best and receive the highest care and support level.

We help people understand that wealth is more than money, and there is a clear path to financial freedom. We work hard to line up the right team of advisors to unlock clients’ dreams by aligning planning with their overall goals and lifestyle.

My wife Lisa and I are dog lovers. We have four fur babies – Luna Moon, Dusty Alejandro, Cosmo Batman, and Heyman Hopper.

It's time to ditch your suit.

Everyone has an angle. From the moment we wake up in the morning, we are being bombarded with so much sensationalism. It becomes so normal that quite often people don’t even know they are having a story spun to them. Our angle is “There is a lot of money to be made telling the truth.” We get paid to tell you how it is. If you don’t like to know uncomfortable truths, you don’t have to listen. Either way, we do well and sleep at night. Afterall…it is your money and your life.  

They are stealing from you, and we know it. Is it too good to be true? Are you really doing that much better than everyone else? Are all financial advisors really the same? Are you paying for a “friend” or for “value?” Did you think you were working with a financial advisor only to find out you are working with a product pusher?

It may be difficult to admit when you don’t know something or if you have been hoodwinked, especially if it has been over a long period of time or by someone you trust(ed).

Don’t dwell on the past. Life is about learning and growing from our experiences. We focus on how to move forward, make better decisions, and live a better life.

Every dollar a financial planner or investment advisor makes is a dollar out of a client’s pocket. That new vacation house, fancy car, box seats, Rolex…guess who paid for them? You did. If someone makes money off you, you deserve an equal value in return. Every time, without exception. We want to help you take control of your financial future by learning how to identify and demand real value.

About Steve Campbell

My wife, Stephanie, and I have four beautiful kids. Joshua, Jordan, and identical twins - Hailey and Harper. They are our world and make our lives crazy! We also have two mini-golden doodles, Zeke and Teddy, and we live outside Knoxville, Tennessee.

I was born and raised in Binghamton, New York, and relocated my family during the pandemic. I started in the financial services industry in 2012 and never would have imagined I would be co-hosting a financial planning podcast, inspiring others to go out and live their best lives.

People are my passion, and I wake up each day wanting to make a difference inspiring and encouraging others.

"It's nice to be able to find a relatable podcast with relevant content. That's why we featured Ditch The Suits on our website - Couples Experience (couples"
"I love the real life perspective Steve and Travis provide in this podcast. They give a very realistic approach to the questions asked regarding financial matters in a way that is engaging...
"The 3-part series on financial advisors was excellent. The discussion on what it means to be a fiduciary, how an advisor gets paid and why it matters, and what to expect..."